We resolve “off-track” logistics relationships. Because when the answer is termination, both sides lose.

Fixing pain points and providing conflict resolution for 3PLs and Brands where the relationship is off track.

We use our bespoke process and decades of experience on both sides of the table to find win-win solutions and make sure they stick.

Watch Co-Founder of Logistics Resolve, Jason Finkelstein, share the process of taking off-track 3PL<>Client relationships to mutual agreement and a path forward. From start to finish the process takes 30 days or less and saves both parties business disruption, leadership distraction and financial costs.

Click here to watch the full podcast episode on YouTube

Poor relationships harm both sides…

Brands lose from poor fulfillment partnerships:

  • Hindered growth

  • Decreased profitability

  • Lower customer LTVs

  • Team stress

3PLs lose from negative client relationships:

  • Low/negative margin accounts

  • Business uncertainty

  • Excess leadership investment

  • Over/under capacity

…but termination is an even bigger lose-lose

Brands lose during a 3PL transition:

  • 2-5% of annual revenue to move

  • Missed sales (OOS, delayed orders)

  • Team bandwidth swamped

  • Business continuity risk

3PLs lose from key account churn:

  • Reputational damage

  • Empty space and idled CapEx

  • Associate turnover and company morale hit

  • $50-150k sales cost to replace a mid-market account

Our service

  • Discovery

    Day 0-29: Identify key issues and perspectives through customized stakeholder interviews and proprietary survey.

  • Facilitated sessions

    Day 30: Mediated decision-maker discussions to solution win-win commitments across all issue areas.

  • Follow-through

    Month 2 onwards: Ensure commitments stick (customized based on engagement, e.g., scorecards, milestone tracking, QBRs)