Frequently asked questions.


  • We find that our engagements generally share some of the following characteristics:

    • Leaders have attempted to work through issues areas (or, one side has tried without getting engagement from the other)

    • One or both parties is not being "heard" by other

    • Lack of trust, bias, and/or elevated emotions

    • Discrete areas of non-performance or conflict

    • Short or long-term risk to partnership (e.g., "if this continues like this for X months/quarters/years, there will be a termination)

  • Our sole purpose is to make the relationship work better for both parties. We don’t have a vested interest in any side “winning”. If we think that termination is actually the best route for one or both parties, we’ll tell you.

    We have undergone mediation training to become certified mediators, and the process we employ is based on tried-and-true mediation principles. In many instances, we will have been brought in by a single side – however, once we begin the engagement we work equally for each side (regardless of payment structure).

  • We understand that some relationships are not meant to be, but we believe that the vast majority of potential 3PL/Brand terminations can be resolved.

    During an initial consultation call, and following early discovery, we will provide a candid assessment as to whether we believe the core issues can be addressed. Given we work largely on a fees-at-risk model, we will be direct as to whether we believe the situation is “save-able”

  • Usually, there have been efforts on both sides prior to our engagement that have not gotten the results the parties need. Whether to continue working internally vs. bringing in a neutral third-party can hinge on a few factors:

    Complete resolution: We ensure all issues inhibiting a strong partnership are covered and fixed. Oftentimes internal negotiations can resolve one piece of the pie (e.g., a change in a rate card) without covering the full scope of issues (e.g., how the teams work together).

    Time and bandwidth saving: We bring focus to the issue with both parties and get to an initial resolution in 30 days with hours (not weeks) of targeted participation from leaders on both sides. Without this, we've seen negotiations and discussions drag over months or never reach resolution.

    Neutral third-party facilitation: We’ve found that there is a lot of power in “hearing it from someone else”. Oftentimes, parties are dug into their positions and hearing a third-party’s perspective or even “reality check” can be extremely beneficial.

    We understand the other side: We have seen relationships between 3PLs and Brands break down because they are not “hearing” each other. Whether it is seemingly unreasonable requests, “excuses,” or not understanding what the other party needs, we can help frame things in a way that they’re truly “heard” by the other side.

  • We have various fee structures that are all well under 5% of what we’d expect a termination to cost.

    We also have options that put our fees at risk, where we don't get compensated unless both parties win.

    Please reach out for a custom quote tailored to your situation.

  • We will get to an initial resolution within 30 days, and then help ensure the results stick for as long as makes sense for the specific engagement.

    We begin with discovery, where we identify the key issues in the relationship and understand each side’s perspectives through customized stakeholder interviews and our proprietary survey.

    Then there will be a facilitated session where we’ll bring all the stakeholders into a room to talk through root causes and identify win-win commitments that will leave both sides feeling great when implemented.

    For most engagements, we then have a rigourous follow-up process where we ensure commitments are upheld and improvements “stick” by some combination of regular scorecards, milestone tracking, QBR facilitation, and other regular touchpoints.

  • We find that teams on both sides spend far less time absorbed in 3PL/Brand concerns and communication when involved with a focused Logistics Resolve process vs. attempting to resolve things internally.

    We generally will utilize a few hours of any given leader's time in discovery, around a half-day for the facilitated session, and then <1 hour per month for follow-on.